




Google AdSense Exploring Games?

MCV discovered that Google had filed for patents related to interactive entertainment at this earlier month. Today, the trade association for videogame creators in the UK and Europe (Tiga), said that a product marketing manager from Google Adsense will speak at the group’s day-long “Working with Games” conference next week.

At least since Google bought Adscape back in February, there have been rumors that Google was casting a covetous eye on videogames. Now the picture is getting a little less murky, it seems, as Google heads out to make contact with videogame publishers, developers, and trade organizations.

They’ve got some catching up to do. But… they’re Google, and that means any provided competition by them needs to be taken very seriously. IMHO

How to Change Ads Without Replacing Code?

After releasing their latest feature about Allowed Sites, Google AdSense introduce their upcoming feature again. This new upcoming feature will let publishers easily manage the AdSense ad units from within their AdSense account. That means, publishers can make ad changes without replacing code inside their pages. Though this feature isn’t live yet, but Google provide a sneak peek for publishers so publisher will know what to expect in the coming weeks from AdSense.

This new ad management feature from Google AdSense means that the ad unit settings (such as colors and channels) for new AdSense for content ad units will be stored inside AdSense account every time publishers generate AdSense ad code. Then, if publisher would like to change any of these ad settings in the future, publisher will no longer need to manually replace the AdSense ad code on all of the web pages. Publishers can manage the ads and make the update within their AdSense account. For instance, with just a few mouse clicks, publisher can quickly change the borders of all 336×280 large rectangles ad from black to green. Fantastic! This new feature will help publishers save time and will simplify the process of optimizing AdSense ad units.

Unfortunately, the ad management feature isn’t yet available in any publisher accounts. Google AdSense will be rolling it out in phases in the next few weeks, and they’ll follow up with another post at that time to help publishers more understand about how to use the new feature. The feature is available to use when publishers see the “Manage Ads” page appear under their AdSense Setup tab. Here are the screenshots for the new AdSense feature:

High Paying Adsense Keywords

Let’s be honest, most internet marketers hope to make lots of money. This is very possible due to the many affiliate marketing programs available on the web today. One popular method of earning easy income which requires no work is AdSense. AdSense is ideal for webmasters who have high traffic websites or blogs and are seeking a couple of extra bucks or possibly even hundreds. By displaying AdSense adverts on your website, you will get paid every time a person clicks on the adverts. These amounts can range anywhere from 5 cents to 35 dollars per click. Despite this a lot of people will tell you that sometimes a high traffic website with AdSense adverts does not automatically mean good profits. The way to go about placing your adverts within your content layout is a huge necessity for you to achieve the most out of your AdSense campaign.
How you position your AdSense adverts is only one important factor in making money with AdSense. Second most important is the type of website you will display your adverts on. Just take some time to do some research on the most profitable niches in terms of AdSense clicks as different niches have different earnings per click generated. You will easily find that somebody who receives 100 unique visitors a day with a gardening website might only earn 4 dollars from 90 clicks. On the other hand a person with a website on a subject like car insurance might earn 40 dollars a day from 8 clicks. With this in mind you can see why you do not necessarily need to have a high traffic website in order to make a good income from AdSense. There are many keyword tools that you can utilize on the web which can aid you in finding out what the most profitable niches are; you just need to take a little time to search the internet.

Online Home Based Business Ideas

Starting an Internet home business is an exciting endeavor, but if you’re not careful you might end up wasting time and money on a scam opportunity or one that doesn’t work. In this brief article, I’m going to share 3 legit online home based businesses that you can start right now. Hopefully by the time you’re finished reading this, you’ll have some methods that you can use to start making money from home.

Network marketing has changed a lot over the years, and there is a new breed of multi-level marketing companies that make it possible to grow a large downline over the Internet, without ever having to make a phone call or attending a meeting. These home based business model is my top pick because it allows you to build a large, residual income base that will pay you month in and month out whether you’re on vacation or building your business.

Another great way to make money online from home is with affiliate marketing and pay per click advertising. There are tons of great affiliate programs out there that will pay you well for sending customers their way, and you don’t have to deal with customer support, credit card charge backs, or shipping out products. Find an affiliate program that converts well, and they drive traffic to it through pay per click advertising programs such as Yahoo! Publisher Network, Microsoft AdCenter and Google AdWords.

Lastly, you can make money on the Internet through programs such as Google AdSense. Basically, you set up websites and add content to them. Then, you simply place the ad code on your pages and you earn money each time a visitor clicks one of your ads.

Hopefully this short article has given you some good Internet home business ideas that you can use to get started. Working from home is a very exciting venture and I would highly recommend it to anyone.

Keys to Improve Adsense Earnings

Always keep in mind that AdSense can make money from your website. You get paid every time one of your visitors clicks on a link. The main issue amongst website owners is how to make the ads look more appealing to visitors. Here are some proven ways to easily improve your Google AdSense earnings.

Concentrate on one format of AdSense ad.
The one format that worked well for the majority is the large rectangle. This same format has the tendency to result in higher click through rates.
Why is this format so popular? Well, it is simply because the ads will look like normal web links. People who are used to clicking on your links will just click on through. They may or may not know they are clicking on your AdSense but as long as there are clicks, it will all be to your advantage.

Create a custom palette for each ads.
Choose a color that will go well with the background of your site. If your site has a white background, try to use white as the color of your ad border and background. The idea to patterning the colors is to make the AdSense ads look like they are a part of the web pages. This will result in more clicks from people visiting your site.

Above the Fold
Remove the AdSense from the bottom pages of your site and put them at the top. Do not try to hide your AdSense. Put them in the place where people can see them quickly. You will be amazed how the difference between AdSense locations can make when you look at your earnings.

Try to maintain links to relevant websites.
If you think some sites are better off than the others, put your ads there and try to maintain them. If there is already a lot of AdSense put into that certain site, put yours on top of all of them. That way visitors will see your ads first upon browsing into that particular site.

Automatic AdSense Insertion
Try to automate the insertion of your AdSense code into the web pages using SSI. Ask your web administrator if your server supports SSI or not.

The next question is how exactly do you do it? Just put your AdSense code in a text file, save it, upload it to the root directory of the web server, then using SSI, call the code on other pages. This tip is a major time saver especially for those who are using automatic page generators to generate pages for their website.

These are just some of the tips that have worked well for some who want to generate hundreds and even thousands on their websites. It is important to understand that ads are displayed because it fits the interest of the people viewing them. So focusing on a specific topic should be your primary purpose because the AdSense ads will be specifically targeted on a topic that people will already by viewing.

How To Make Money With Google AdSense?

Learning how to make money with Google AdSense can sometimes prove to be more complicated than you think. Most people think that all you really need to do to make money with AdSense is simply placing the adverts on your website. This is however not true. Having read many forum posts at popular search engine optimization forums I found it quite common that a good portion of webmasters were complaining about the fact that their high traffic websites were generating poor AdSense profits. The reason why is because there are many important aspects to take into consideration if you wish to be successful with AdSense.

The first thing you need to attend to is working out how you are going to display your AdSense adverts around your website content. This includes decisions on the particular colors to use and the sizing of the adverts. Some people place their adverts in between their website content which is quite effective as it has a luring effect which increases your chances of people clicking on your adverts. Also make sure that your colors are the same as your general page colors. If for example you have a white background with black text then try to fit some AdSense adverts with the same colors within your content as well as around it.

The second factor I would like to talk about is your niche selection.It is always a good idea to do a little research with keyword tools and find out which niches have the highest paid cost per clicks generated. Developing a website with high paying adverts is far more worth while than having a high traffic website with a low paying niche. Some niches like student loans can pay up to $60 per click generated, although the values vary almost daily.

Why You Should Use Alternate Ads in Google AdSense

Do you know how many PSA (Public Service Announcement) ads are displayed every day on your website? You might not be able to answer this question even though you are running Google AdSense. The reason is very simple. Google is not displaying stats about PSAs.

You might be losing no ads, several or hundreds as it is in my case. The only way to be able to access those statistics is to setup alternate ads and rely on the stats of the company that is providing the stats. The reason why you should setup alternate ads in Google AdSense is therefor twofold. First you probably would like to know how many PSAs are displayed and you would then like to monetize them instead of handing them out to Google for their public service announcements.

Setting up alternate ads is relatively easy. You first need to have some alternate ad code from a company such as Amazon, Chitika or Auction Ads and save the code into a normal text document. Rename the document to alternateads.htm and upload it to the root of your website.

Now add the line google_alternate_ad_url = “http://www.yoururl.extension/alternateads.htm”; to your Google AdSense code and the alternate ads should appear on every page where Google is unable to provide advertisement for.

After setting them up you can start analyzing the number of impressions that you receive from that backup network and tweak it until you are satisfied with the results.