




How To Make Money With Google AdSense?

Learning how to make money with Google AdSense can sometimes prove to be more complicated than you think. Most people think that all you really need to do to make money with AdSense is simply placing the adverts on your website. This is however not true. Having read many forum posts at popular search engine optimization forums I found it quite common that a good portion of webmasters were complaining about the fact that their high traffic websites were generating poor AdSense profits. The reason why is because there are many important aspects to take into consideration if you wish to be successful with AdSense.

The first thing you need to attend to is working out how you are going to display your AdSense adverts around your website content. This includes decisions on the particular colors to use and the sizing of the adverts. Some people place their adverts in between their website content which is quite effective as it has a luring effect which increases your chances of people clicking on your adverts. Also make sure that your colors are the same as your general page colors. If for example you have a white background with black text then try to fit some AdSense adverts with the same colors within your content as well as around it.

The second factor I would like to talk about is your niche selection.It is always a good idea to do a little research with keyword tools and find out which niches have the highest paid cost per clicks generated. Developing a website with high paying adverts is far more worth while than having a high traffic website with a low paying niche. Some niches like student loans can pay up to $60 per click generated, although the values vary almost daily.

Why You Should Use Alternate Ads in Google AdSense

Do you know how many PSA (Public Service Announcement) ads are displayed every day on your website? You might not be able to answer this question even though you are running Google AdSense. The reason is very simple. Google is not displaying stats about PSAs.

You might be losing no ads, several or hundreds as it is in my case. The only way to be able to access those statistics is to setup alternate ads and rely on the stats of the company that is providing the stats. The reason why you should setup alternate ads in Google AdSense is therefor twofold. First you probably would like to know how many PSAs are displayed and you would then like to monetize them instead of handing them out to Google for their public service announcements.

Setting up alternate ads is relatively easy. You first need to have some alternate ad code from a company such as Amazon, Chitika or Auction Ads and save the code into a normal text document. Rename the document to alternateads.htm and upload it to the root of your website.

Now add the line google_alternate_ad_url = “http://www.yoururl.extension/alternateads.htm”; to your Google AdSense code and the alternate ads should appear on every page where Google is unable to provide advertisement for.

After setting them up you can start analyzing the number of impressions that you receive from that backup network and tweak it until you are satisfied with the results.

How To Make Money With Google AdSense?

Learning how to make money with Google AdSense can sometimes prove to be more complicated than you think. Most people think that all you really need to do to make money with AdSense is simply placing the adverts on your website. This is however not true. Having read many forum posts at popular search engine optimization forums I found it quite common that a good portion of webmasters were complaining about the fact that their high traffic websites were generating poor AdSense profits. The reason why is because there are many important aspects to take into consideration if you wish to be successful with AdSense.

The first thing you need to attend to is working out how you are going to display your AdSense adverts around your website content. This includes decisions on the particular colors to use and the sizing of the adverts. Some people place their adverts in between their website content which is quite effective as it has a luring effect which increases your chances of people clicking on your adverts. Also make sure that your colors are the same as your general page colors. If for example you have a white background with black text then try to fit some AdSense adverts with the same colors within your content as well as around it.

The second factor I would like to talk about is your niche selection.It is always a good idea to do a little research with keyword tools and find out which niches have the highest paid cost per clicks generated. Developing a website with high paying adverts is far more worth while than having a high traffic website with a low paying niche. Some niches like student loans can pay up to $60 per click generated, although the values vary almost daily.

Should My Website Using Adsense?

Launching a website takes a lot of time and energy and, in some cases, money. Every for-profit site owner has the dream of being able to reap the rewards of a money-making website to make up for all the blood, sweat, tears poured into it. Whether you are selling products or services or both, it is can be important to have other ways to monetize your site. Finding free ways to bring in money is ideal, and Google AdSense has provided one very popular option to do just that. However, AdSense may not be the best fit for every site. There are pros and cons to consider as you ask yourself, “Should I put AdSense on my website?”

The potential pros to AdSense are relatively clear: you receive payment each time a visitor to your site clicks an AdSense ad. More visitors= more clicks= more money for you. Obviously, many people are making money from this pay-per-click program, because AdSense is indeed everywhere you turn online. It may seem like every website in the world utilizes Google AdSense. Still, it is possible that this program could be more of a deterrent than benefit to certain types of sites.

For example, if a visitor comes to your site and clicks on a Google ad, there is a chance they will move on to where the ad takes them without returning to your site. Although you made a few pennies from the ad click, the visitor will no longer be purchasing from you.

There is plenty of competition out there for your site; so it would seem an advertisement placed on your site competing with your own products might not be the most lucrative situation.

Perhaps the best use of Google AdSense is for sites that are simply informational. In this way, there is no product competition-only an ad to enhance your informational articles and give your site credibility. What is the best way to determine if Google AdSense is for you? Consider the goals for your site and decide whether the pay-per-click ads will add to your site while adding to your income, or if it will only redirect your potential customers, leaving you with some pocket change from the click as well as the loss of a sale.

Google Adsense Report Explained

When you log into your Google AdSense account, you are automatically taken to the page where you can view all your AdSense activity. On the Reports tab, you’ll see “Today’s Earnings.” This is the approximate amount you have earned today in your Google AdSense account. Earnings are not final at this point and could be adjusted for invalid clicks or fees.

It’s interesting to look at the breakdown. As you can see, AdSense for Content, which refers to the targeted ads appearing on the pages in which you have written content, is listed first. Here you will see the number of page impressions listed in the first column.

While a page impression is generally the same as a page view, that is not always the case. For a more detailed definition of a page impression, see Google AdSense support, click on Your AdSense Account and then click on Your AdSense Report.

Next, you’ll notice the number of clicks. This refers to the number of times “your ads” were clicked on.

Page click through rate or CTR is in the next column shown as a percentage. It represents the percentage of the time an ad was clicked on after viewing your page.

Page eCPM which stands for effective cost per thousand impressions. It is calculated by dividing total earnings by the number of page impressions in thousands.

Don’t be intimidated by these statistics. The bottom line, your earnings, is what really counts. As you become more familiar with Google AdSense, statistics will become like second nature. First, just start.

How is Google AdSense Different From Other Ad Networks?
Primarily because it is Google and that carries a lot of clout just with name recognition alone. But here are some advantages to being a part of the Google AdSense network:

Getting started is fast and easy and requires no technical knowledge. Google AdSense even provides html code for easy implementation with clear instructions.

Google AdSense has both the AdSense for Content feature and the AdSense for Search feature.

Google AdSense not only provides keyword targeted ads but site targeted ads as well, maximizing your potential for revenue.

Google AdSense provides a filter so that you can choose not to run your competitor’s ads on your pages as well as filter other unwanted ads.

Google AdSense provides an extensive support site that is easily understood.

AdWords versus AdSense

Google AdSense and AdWords are known by all, even though they are relative newcomers to the internet marketing scene. Everyone wants to be a part of the new wave in internet sales. Pamphlets fliers and e books are seen everywhere. They tell of the wonders of this marketing opportunity and encourage all to launch themselves in their internet marketing career.

So, what are AdSense and AdWords? What differences are there between them? This is information that you need but is not offered by the fanatics eager to find a new convert. You would be surprised about how little information these fanatics can have. That is the one thing internet marketers need in order to be a success: information.

Google AdWords is based on a very simple concept. If someone goes to Google and types in some words in the search engine bar they are asking Google to point them into direction to find what they want. These words they use are known to internet marketers and related people as: keywords.

Keywords are the words used to direct a target audience to a particular advertisement or website. By creating advertisements incorporating these keywords advertisers can have their ads displayed along with the various search results that Google comes up with and the amount of exposure their ads receive all but doubles.

Setting up a profitable AdWords campaign isn’t to be done lightly. Even greater care should be taken when managing it. AdWord campaigns that fail cost marketers much of their advertisement budget. Because AdWords is a pay-per-click advertising plan it allows advertisers greater amounts of exposure for a small fee; usually less than one dollar, but that can add up fast.

A web site owner may benefit from AdSense in the same manner that advertisers benefit from AdWords. When a web site owner subscribes to AdSense they select a variety of keywords or topics that are relevant to their web site and Google sends them advertisements to include in their site that are related it/ The advertiser will get more exposure and the web site owner will get a portion of the charges Google makes for the clicks. This is a proposition that benefits all when it is working right.

For more information or instructions on setting up either AdWords or AdSense campaigns do a search for the words “AdSense” or “AdWords” on Google. You can find a more in depth explanation and a how to instructions from Google.

How to Get Paid From A Blog

While blogging may have started as a way for webophiliacs to share their personal reflections on life and find sympathetic audiences, blogging is not what it used to be.

There are tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of bloggers, and the fact is that blogging is now done as much for profit as it is for pleasure.

There answers to the question,”How do you get paid from your blog?” all depend on your blog’s having an audience. You won’t make much money from your blog unless you have the traffic to entice advertisers, or to respond to your offers.

The secret to getting paid for your blog is to monetize your traffic

Most of the people who visit your blog do so either because they need information, or are looking for a specific product or service and think your blog can direct them to it.

You can make money by connecting your audience with products or service they might find useful and you have several options as to how you do it.

Becoming an Affiliate
How do you get paid from your blog by becoming an affiliate? All you need to do is link to other established websites which are selling products or services related to the topic of your blog, and if any of your readers use your affiliate link to visit those sites and make purchases, you’ll get a percentage of the sales proceeds.
You benefit by getting money without actually having to carry that product or offer that service.

How do you get paid from you blog by using AdSense? Simply sign up for a Google AdSense account if you have read their suitability requirements. Once your email address is confirmed and your blog has been approved, the AdSense bots will begin crawling your blog and deciding which ads are appropriate for your readers.
You should start getting ads within forty-eight hours, and you’ll get paid each time a reader clicks on one of the ads.

Email Marketing
How do you get paid from your blog by using it for email marketing? If your blog is connected to your own online business, invite your readers to join your opt in email marketing list. You can offer an enticement like a discount or free shipping to any blog readers for their first from your business.

Posting Reviews
How do you get paid from you blog by posting product reviews? Just sign up with sites offering review, and advertisers who think your audience would be interested in a review of their products will pay you to post them. You don’t have to be 100% positive either; they want honest assessments so that they know how to improve their offerings.

Adding Paid Text Links
There are sites like contextual links which will pay you for adding text links to your blog posts.
They work with advertisers who want to target audiences in specific markets, and if your blog audience is large enough and your topic is a relevant one, you can get paid from your blog by signing up with them and adding some of their advertisers’ links. Please take note that Google has give a penalty for any website who selling their space for links.