




How Informative Post is Superior to Associated Content

I don’t write this to brag, I write this to inform my referrals, and educate others on the true blessing that Informative Post truly post is.

The superior blessings of IP to start with, is there is no guess work on what you are going to be paid for your work, so like on Associated Content you have to sit around waiting for a content producer to look over your work, and screw you on payment. IP lays it all out there for you, take it, or leave it.

IP isn’t covered with Google Adsense, or any other kinds of spammy ads. Informative Post web design isn’t ever changing, and full of glitches like Associated Content is. Everything is right up front when you log into your Informative Post account. There is no guess-work involved.

Many of IP’s “Jobs” are above AC’s average payout, and even Associated Content’s “Calls for Content”.

Informative Post is superior because each account has an “affiliate link”, Associated Content places one in your account but you get no credit what-so-ever for their sign ups. I posted about this in AC’s forum once after I received a $5 referral bonus credit. They were all shocked and amazed claiming AC had dropped that a long time ago. I guess I should have kept my mouth shut and I would have still been getting paid for it.

Douglas Brown who owns and operates IP is one of the nicest guys I’ve ever come across online. Though Associated Content has a massive staff, their support replies can take upwards to a week to receive (if you even get a reply at all, which they are famous for ignoring messages). Doug has always replied within 12 hours of contact, thus making IP superior. AC will never be able to say that, because their support is horrid. If you don’t believe me, do a test support contact, and see if your reply has anything to do with what you asked.

Informative Post is superior because they don’t run surveys, or contests with promises of prizes never handed out. Many others I’ve spoken to in the AC forums, admitted none of them ever get anything Associated Content has promised them, even simple things such as stickers.

Associated Content promotes defamation of government property, and private property with pictures of the stickers on mailboxes, and other items. It’s shocking they haven’t been slapped with a lawsuit. AC awards prizes for such things, or at least they use to. Informative Post is superior because they run no such promotion.

Yes there is two things that AC is superior over Informative Post and that is the personalized RSS feed, and webpage listing all our articles. No harm there though, I created my own, and who knows perhaps in time this will be implemented so everyone, not just me can advertise their articles.

Considering Associated Content is ran by hundreds of people, and Informative Post is ran by one, I’d have to say I’m overwhelming happy to admit that Informative Post is superior to Associated Content.